Συνέδρια / Ημερίδες


Bullying prevention in and out of school

Bullying prevention in and out of school
Date: April 16, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Speaker: Pantelis Proios !

Bullying happens when one or more
persons repeatedly and on purpose, say or
do mean or hurtful things to another
person(s). Bullying could take place in or
out of the school premises. It involves
direct aggressive acts such as shoving,
pushing, making derogatory comments, or
more severe acts such as hitting, kicking
and even injuring the victim. Bullying
could also involve spreading negative
rumors by sending or publishing insulting
messages, photos and videos via electronic
social media, etc, (cyberbullying). Bullying
is not a simple phenomenon. It involves
the whole interactive systems of school,
family, community and society. And it
should be addressed as such to include all
these components in order to face it
successfully with preventive methods. !

Mr. Pantelis Proios earned his
undergraduate degree in Psychology
from The University of Pennsylvania
a n d h i s g r a d u a t e d eg r e e i n
Community Psychology, from
Temple University. He has had a
private practice for the past 16 years
as well as professional affiliation
with prestigious organizations such
as the American Psychological
Association, Association of Greek
Ps y c h o l o g i s t s a n d Li c e n s e d
Psychologist in Greece. He has
worked as a consultant to the Public
Special School of Chios, and
Panchiakos Association of Disabled
People, served as Coordinator of the
“ACT/MMME-Bias” Program of the
Association of Greek Psychologists,
a program for the prevention of
violence and the protection of young
children and their families. He has
participated as Coordinator of the
“ACT/MMME-Bias” Program in
many national and international
conferences for the prevention of
violence and ‘bullying”. He has also
conducted many seminars for the
prevention of violence/bullying for
parents and educators in many
schools in Greece.
He has been an instructor for the
implementation of a program for the
Empowerment and Support of
People with Disabilities and their
Families under the auspices of
Ministry of Education and E.U. as
well as Scientific Director of the
‘Association for the Promotion of
Mental Health of Epirus’ for
implementation of the PsycArgo
Program, 2001-4, Professional
Scientific Advisor of the Greek
Society for the Protection of Autistic
People (GSPAP) (1998 – 2001). He has
taught at numerous t raining
seminars for the staff of many
Institutions, Schools and Scientific
Organizations in Greece and abroad.

Κατηγορία: Συνέδρια / Ημερίδες

Πού θα πραγματοποιηθεί: Αθήνα, Ελλάδα Αθήνα Ελλάδα