ACBS World Conference 2023
Register your interest and get future email updates about the conference. We hope to see you there!
Registration is available for virtual & in-person events.
Virtual Registration gives you access to live presentations delivered 26-28 July 2023 from approximately 9:00 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. UTC/GMT +3 (Eastern European Summer Time), recorded on-demand sessions, submitted posters, and recordings of all of the live sessions (a few days after presentation), available through 23 October 2023. Some CE types also available.
Pre-Conference Intensive Workshops
Workshop information now available!
In-Person intensive workshops: 24-25 July 2023
Request a Visa invitation letter
Conference Highlights
- Lunches and coffee/tea are included so that you have more time to network.
- Invited speakers: Vera Araujo-Soares, Tamar Black, Lucy Johnstone, Maria Karekla, Raimo Lappalainen, Alexandros Lordos, Susan Michie, Pádraig Ó Tuama, Roger Vilardaga
- Workshops, Workshops, Workshops. 1 hour and 2 hour workshops are included (no extra charge), with your in-person conference registration. These 60+ workshops are one-of-a-kind learning opportunities.